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Bryant | C. Milton Wright High School | Class of 2021 | Urban Senior Photo Session| Baltimore, MD

The most popular times for senior photos are during the summer and fall... so when Bryant (a 2021 DOP Rep) approached Des about doing a winter session, she was thrilled. Winter tends to be an "off season" for Des, so being able to shoot in the chillier weather was something different. Shooting during this off-season also gives you more options from a scheduling standpoint.

Not sure if winter is for you? One of the first things you should think about when you are scheduling your senior session is what you might want to wear? Traditionally, most boys don't want to wear shorts and a t-shirt in their photos, unless we're doing shots on the sports field. Wearing jeans and a sweater in the summer heat would be miserable, so a winter sesh in late November is much better.

Bryant is a phenomenal dancer but, he didn't want his senior session to be just about that. He also wanted to showcase his love of the city and streetwear. Bryant wanted his senior photos to feel very "pedestrian". Taking all of this in consideration, Des selected the Baltimore light rail station near Camden Yards, the Convention Center, and M&T Bank Stadium for his shoot.

Bryant also decided to add on a studio session as well. Since Bryant is a performer, he wanted to update his headshots to use for auditions and performance opportunities. The buisness-like headshots in contrast to the casual, streetwear look make for a killer senior session!

Here is Bryant's senior session:

I'm a sucker for a good black + white vs color comparison! Which do you prefer?

I love how Bryant's styling looks so sophisticated yet, not over the top "fancy schmancy" (lol!). Something as simple as losing the tie and unbuttoning the top of your shirt, can make your look 10x more youthful and fun.

... and now onto the city!!! Special shoutout to Lance Guillermo (of Rage Box Dance Center) for coming along for the ride to B'More to help Des with posing... he is the hip hop master after all.


Bryant's really defying gravity here...

Fun fact about Bryant! He is sneaker-head. You will never catch him wearing ugly shoes, that's for sure. Des made sure to showcase his love of sneakers by capturing some cool sneaker shots.

Make sure to give Bryant a huge "congrats!" for being a 2021 YoungArts Finalist. YoungArts is a nation-wide organization that "identifies the most accomplished young artists in the visual, literary, and performing arts". How cool is that?!

The end... Thanks for the read! Make sure to like this post and comment which photo is your fav from this gallery!

To learn more about the DOP senior session experience, read this!

+ To see more from Des, give her a follow on insta @desireeortmanphotography

+ For any questions regarding DOP sessions, email

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+ Check Des out on Tik Tok @DesireeOrtmanPhotography



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