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Jenna | Senior Session | Sunflower Field | Jarretsville, MD | Rising Sun High School

Flowers, photos, and cows... oh my! Yes, I just said cows. Never would I ever think there would be cows involved in a senior session but, I've been loving every second of it!

Meet Jenna! (name sounds kinda familiar... lol!). Jenna is one of Des' 2021 DOP Senior Reps. Jenna doesn't consider herself a "confident person", so taking senior pictures seemed like a daunting task. Des' expertise in all things posing, styling, lighting, and angles made Jenna feel comfortable and confident. You would've never guessed that she was nervous! This senior session truly showcases that senior sessions are for EVERYONE. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, outgoing or shy, comfortable in front of a camera or not... senior sessions are for you!

Here's what Jenna herself had to say:

"The experience was amazing, I learned so much about what goes on behind the scenes of Desiree’s amazing photos. As someone who isn’t very confident about the way they look she really got me out of my shell and the shoot might sound like it’s serious but Desiree has such a great way of communicating and getting people to be themselves and come out of their shell. She has such an amazing way of incorporating your personality in with the scenery of the photos. "

Here come the cows! O M G... so stinkin' cute.

Outfit change number three to follow!

Thanks for reading! Hope you loved this gallery! You probably want to adopt a cow now (lol!).

Make sure to like this blog post and comment down below your fav photo from this sesh! Stay tuned for more portfolio posts coming soon...

+ To see more from Des, give her a follow on insta @desireeortmanphotography

+ Want to know more about the DOP senior session experience? Read this!

+ For any questions regarding DOP sessions, email

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